Thursday, 29 January 2015

Exporting large sets of references from EBSCO

You can now export large files of records, (up to 25,000) from your DISCOVER results list using the Share menu. We wouldn't recommend doing this unless you really have to, for example for a systematic review. When you select to export up to 25,000 records, you are emailed a link to a downloadable file which can be imported into RefWorks.

To export up to 25,000 results:

Click the Share link on the Result List page.

 Click the E-mail a link to download exported results link. 
Enter your e-mail address and select RIS Format from the options on the right.

EBSCO e-mails you a link to download an export file which you can save for import into RefWorks. If you don't receive it, check your Junk folder. RefWorks can only handle imports of up to 2,500 references at a time - so you will have to open your .ris file (in Notepad, for example, and copy and paste chunks of references into smaller files, no more than 2,500 in each. In RefWorks, go to References and Import. Check Import Filter/Data Source is RIS Format, and Database is RIS Format too. Choose the file you saved, and click Import.

 Wait! It’s a lot slower than when you only import a few references.

If you have any issues following this process, please let us know and we'll see if we can sort them out.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Adding Date Accessed to your bibliography

When referencing sources on the Internet, some referencing styles specify that you must include the date you accessed the resource. Some don't, which is why it isn't a default on the Harvard UoB output style we suggest you use. But if you do want to add Date Accessed, there is a way to do it.

  • First go to the Bibliography menu and select Output Style Editor.
  • Select Harvard UoB and press Save As (choose a file name eg Claire's Harvard UoB)
  • From the Style drop down list select your 'new' output style and press Edit.
  • Select the Retrieved date field from the left hand list and the links field and move them across using the green arrows.
  • You can then annotate your references in RefWorks to include  "Accessed:  " before the date, or you can do this in the Word document after you have generated your bibliography

Importing references from Web of Science

We are having an issue with importing references to RefWorks from Web of Science. If you have already logged into RefWorks, it works fine. But if you haven't, it says that it has exported the references, but when you go into RefWorks they aren't there. We are investigating this with both suppliers, but for the time being please make sure you are already logged into RefWorks in another tab before trying to export Web of Science references.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Refworks troubleshooting guide updated

We've updated our Refworks troubleshooting guide recently. If you're having any issues getting Refworks or Write-n-cite to work properly, then take a look. Let us know if you have a problem that isn't covered.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

RefWorks usage up in 2014

You must have all been using RefWorks a lot, because there were 16,727 visits in 2014, as against 13,661 in 2013, a rise of over 20%.