Monday, 13 November 2023

RefWorks problem 13th November 2023

RefWorks is having a problem today and you may not be able to log in. This is affecting all RefWorks users, not just University of Bedfordshire, and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

New Getting started with RefWorks guide

We've updated our Getting started with RefWorks guide recently, check it out if you are new to Refworks, or if you use the RefWorks plugin (this bit has changed!)

Thursday, 16 February 2023

RefWorks problem fixed

RefWorks have sorted out their issues and the system is up and running again. Please let us know at  if you have any further problems.

RefWorks problem

 We are currently having a problem with access to RefWorks

We are waiting for RefWorks support to resolve this issue.