Friday, 29 June 2018

RefWorks downtime Saturday/Sunday 30th June/1st July

RefWorks (both the legacy and new versions) will be unavailable for around two hours from midnight on Saturday June 30th for maintenance. This may also affect your use of Write-n-Cite during this period.

Monday, 4 June 2018

Problem exporting references from IEEE Xplore to RefWorks (old and new) - update

IEEE are working on this issue and expect it to be fixed in July. In the meantime, if you need to export references from IEEE Xplore to RefWorks, old or new version, you can export the data as an RIS file:

then, when logged into RefWorks:

  •  select “References/Import” from the toolbar and then select BibTeX or RIS as the data source (old RefWorks, orange logo)

  • export your citations as RIS or BibTeX format and then when logged into RefWorks, select the Plus icon, Import References (New RefWorks, blue logo)