Friday, 4 December 2015

Five steps to working with RefWorks


Follow the link to RefWorks. Login with your Student Number (or Novell ID) and password.
First time users only: you will be presented with a short form to complete. Don’t forget to include your University email address so you will receive notices about service upgrades.
Returners: Your personal library will open directly; you no longer need to double sign-in.


Click on the Bibliography menu and select Output Style Manager.
Highlight ‘Harvard – UoB’ on the left list. Use the green arrow to add it to the Favorites list.


3.1 Create a new reference manually
Click on the New Reference icon, shown here .
Select ‘Harvard – UoB’ from the first menu. Choose the Ref Type and follow the onscreen prompts. Type authors’ names with the surname first and organisations’ acronyms in full.

3.2 Import references from DISCOVER
You can also import references from DISCOVER. (Your Academic Liaison Librarian may give you another handout with detailed instructions on how to import references.)
Do a quick search for ‘time management’ (or your choice of topic). Add at least 4 records to your folder. Navigate to the Folder View.
Use the Export icon to ‘Direct Export to RefWorks’.
Go back to your RefWorks window/tab to view your imported results.

3.3 Add books from the library catalogue
From the RefWorks Search menu, click Online Catalog or Database. Select ‘University of Bedfordshire’.
Use Advanced Search to look for a book title you know.
Tick some references and use the Import to Folder menu at the top of the screen to add these books to your personal RefWorks account.
Use the View menu to back to All References again. Look at one of the citations you moved. How can you tell which folder it is in?

3.4 Bookmark websites
There are two ways to do this with RefWorks: (i) using the bookmarklet RefGrab-It (download from Tools menu); (ii) creating manual references as follows
Click the New Reference icon (shown above). Make sure the top box has ‘Harvard – UoB’ and select ‘Web Page’ as the Ref Type.
Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the record.
To see all the references you have created, choose All References from the RefWorks
View menu.


Some people like to create folders for each unit or specific assignments; you can put references in more than one folder.
Starting in the All References view, click on the New Folder icon [right]. Give it a name.  Then select some references (using the tick boxes) and use this icon (at the top of the page) to move them into your new folder.
Now practise deleting unwanted references.
Select one reference (using the tick box).
Click the red cross (top of the list) to delete it.


There are two main ways to get references from RefWorks into your assignments.

5.1 Use ‘Create Bibliography’
Click the Create Bibliography icon; this dialogue window appears. Check the Output Style.
Choose the File Type you want (‘RTF’ works with most WP software).
In Step 4 you created named folders. You can select your required folder from the folder area on the right of the screen to limit which citations are listed.

5.2 Use Write-N-Cite (WNC) in Microsoft Word
The WNC plug-in links your RefWorks library to Word documents. WNC is very useful because it only lists references you have cited in-text – something the route above cannot do.
To install, go to Tools> Write-N-Cite. Follow the installation wizard’s prompts.
There are options for PC and Macs.
Open a Word document. Click on the RefWorks tab.
Click on log in and and then click on the drop down ‘Log in from my institution’ box and choose University of Bedfordshire
When the University log in box appears, log in using your usual username and password.
You may need to re-select your Output style. Click on the Style drop down menu and choose Other styles > My Favorites to access your preferred referencing styles
To add citations in the text, click on Insert Citation
To complete your reference list, choose Bibliography Options > Insert Bibliography

The Help link gives more advice on how to use RefWorks. If you need further help, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian or call our helpdesks (01234 793189 or 01582 743488).

Thursday, 16 July 2015

New easier export to RefWorks from Dawsonera

Exporting to RefWorks from our Dawson's ebooks just got easier.  The Dawsonera interface has been upgraded for improved readability and navigation. To export to RefWorks just click the 'Cite' button at the top of the page in 'read online' view.  Give it a go and let us know what you think!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Web of Science exports to RefWorks - update

We think that the failure to export records from Web of Science to RefWorks is down to pop-up blockers in your browser. Different browsers display these differently, and they seem to be visible for only a short amount of time before disappearing. You need to catch the message while it is displayed, and change it to "Allow", either once or always for Web of Science. Once this is done, export to RefWorks works correctly.

Let us know if you are having any other issues which this doesn't solve.

Web of Science export to RefWorks failing

At the moment we are having a problem with exporting references from Web of Science to RefWorks. Everything looks normal, and you get a message that your records have been exported correctly, but they never appear in your Last Imported folder in RefWorks.

We have reported this issue to the providers of both Web of Science and RefWorks, and hope that it will be fixed soon.

Monday, 8 June 2015

UoB output style changes

We've made some changes to the University of Bedfordshire Harvard output styles (Harvard - UoB and Harvard - UoB - Annotated bibliography) to make them easier to use.  You may find that they have dropped out of your favourites list, so click on Bibliography, then Output Style Manager to re-add them to your Favorites.  You can ask your Academic Liaison Librarian how to do this if you are unsure.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

RefWorks citation style maintenance 8-9 June

We are going to be making some minor changes to the Harvard-UoB citation style on RefWorks on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th June. You will still be able to log in and access RefWorks as usual, but the Harvard-UoB style may be unavailable at some times.Web Bug from

Saturday, 28 February 2015

RefWorks maintenance scheduled Sunday 1st March

RefWorks will be offline for scheduled maintenance Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 03:00 AM for five (5) hours.
During this time, RefWorks will not be available, and users will be re-directed to a webpage explaining the scheduled maintenance.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Exporting large sets of references from EBSCO

You can now export large files of records, (up to 25,000) from your DISCOVER results list using the Share menu. We wouldn't recommend doing this unless you really have to, for example for a systematic review. When you select to export up to 25,000 records, you are emailed a link to a downloadable file which can be imported into RefWorks.

To export up to 25,000 results:

Click the Share link on the Result List page.

 Click the E-mail a link to download exported results link. 
Enter your e-mail address and select RIS Format from the options on the right.

EBSCO e-mails you a link to download an export file which you can save for import into RefWorks. If you don't receive it, check your Junk folder. RefWorks can only handle imports of up to 2,500 references at a time - so you will have to open your .ris file (in Notepad, for example, and copy and paste chunks of references into smaller files, no more than 2,500 in each. In RefWorks, go to References and Import. Check Import Filter/Data Source is RIS Format, and Database is RIS Format too. Choose the file you saved, and click Import.

 Wait! It’s a lot slower than when you only import a few references.

If you have any issues following this process, please let us know and we'll see if we can sort them out.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Adding Date Accessed to your bibliography

When referencing sources on the Internet, some referencing styles specify that you must include the date you accessed the resource. Some don't, which is why it isn't a default on the Harvard UoB output style we suggest you use. But if you do want to add Date Accessed, there is a way to do it.

  • First go to the Bibliography menu and select Output Style Editor.
  • Select Harvard UoB and press Save As (choose a file name eg Claire's Harvard UoB)
  • From the Style drop down list select your 'new' output style and press Edit.
  • Select the Retrieved date field from the left hand list and the links field and move them across using the green arrows.
  • You can then annotate your references in RefWorks to include  "Accessed:  " before the date, or you can do this in the Word document after you have generated your bibliography